A post to the examiner.
I thoroughly hope you enjoy reading through my blog and looking through the work that i have produced over the course. I have spent time and effort in the research stages of the course as well as the production stages of the course. I believe that i have produced the best possible piece of work that i could have and reached a standard that is to the best of my ability.
Thanks, enjoy!
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Friday, 11 March 2011
Friday, 4 March 2011
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Draft Feedback Evaluation
After receiving feedback on my first draft of my magazine i have realised there are several minor changes and maybe a couple of major ones too that i feel i need to make in order to ensure i achieve the best grade i can for my final piece.
I am sustaining the style i have used for my draft cover of my magazine as i believe this does work well but it still needs improvements. Firstly the alignment of my text needs attention as it seems to have been overlooked and as a result gives the magazine a slightly messy look. Within the front cover i need to one or two more superlatives which will make my magazine much more realistic and work on drawing the audience in much more as if my magazine has more to offer than many others. I will think about what these can be to a degree which upholds the style of my magazine and does not over cram the main image. Next, the small font in the left hand corner of my magazine saying 'new music weekly' is to weak for the image of my magazine and also does not fit in with the house style so i will be sure to amend this to one of the fonts which is currently featuring on my magazine. Lastly i have been given feedback that i could consider changing the main image of my magazine, i am still thinking about whether to do this or not as the colours and stance of my model i feel work well, but the only issue i have is that it could be more of a close up and stand out more against the rest of the features on the page.
Within the contents of my magazine there only a few minor changes i will make on my final pieces. One of these changes will be proof reading all of my writing within the page to correct typo's and ensure that the descriptions are punchy enough and persuade my audience to want to read each page. As i did not have the photos ready for my draft i will be changing all three photos on the page so the artists are a little more varied. I still be having Macy, but also a girl band and a male solo artist to show variation is going to take place within the magazine.
Lastly there will additionally be minor changes within my DPS. This will be altering my article slightly as the feedback i received recommended to give it more 'oomph' to sustain interest and also proof read all of my work so i am able to recognise errors and grammar issues. I will also be changing the photo on the first page and changing the positioning to break the text up slightly as i have realised and gained the knowledge from my feedback that it is a very text heavy page. Additionally i may consider adding 'grab lines' somewhere on my page as this is usually a common feature that would be expected to be found within a double page spread interview.
I am sustaining the style i have used for my draft cover of my magazine as i believe this does work well but it still needs improvements. Firstly the alignment of my text needs attention as it seems to have been overlooked and as a result gives the magazine a slightly messy look. Within the front cover i need to one or two more superlatives which will make my magazine much more realistic and work on drawing the audience in much more as if my magazine has more to offer than many others. I will think about what these can be to a degree which upholds the style of my magazine and does not over cram the main image. Next, the small font in the left hand corner of my magazine saying 'new music weekly' is to weak for the image of my magazine and also does not fit in with the house style so i will be sure to amend this to one of the fonts which is currently featuring on my magazine. Lastly i have been given feedback that i could consider changing the main image of my magazine, i am still thinking about whether to do this or not as the colours and stance of my model i feel work well, but the only issue i have is that it could be more of a close up and stand out more against the rest of the features on the page.
Within the contents of my magazine there only a few minor changes i will make on my final pieces. One of these changes will be proof reading all of my writing within the page to correct typo's and ensure that the descriptions are punchy enough and persuade my audience to want to read each page. As i did not have the photos ready for my draft i will be changing all three photos on the page so the artists are a little more varied. I still be having Macy, but also a girl band and a male solo artist to show variation is going to take place within the magazine.
Lastly there will additionally be minor changes within my DPS. This will be altering my article slightly as the feedback i received recommended to give it more 'oomph' to sustain interest and also proof read all of my work so i am able to recognise errors and grammar issues. I will also be changing the photo on the first page and changing the positioning to break the text up slightly as i have realised and gained the knowledge from my feedback that it is a very text heavy page. Additionally i may consider adding 'grab lines' somewhere on my page as this is usually a common feature that would be expected to be found within a double page spread interview.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Thursday, 10 February 2011
1st Draft Contents Page
Above is the contents which i entered as my first draft. To ensure that my contents continued the house theme that i had previously created on the cover of my magazine i once again used the eye dropper tool. This way i could be sure that the colours within the page were identical to the ones i had used on the front cover. For the page numbers and the "FLUX" logo i have used the deep red colour. In comparison to my cover i did not have to perform as much editing but infact resizing of text, numbers and images.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
1st Draft Magazine Cover
This is the cover that i submitted as my first draft magazine cover. Over all i think the product that i produced for my draft was of an acceptable standard and included the common conventions that you would expect to find in a music magazine. To begin with the masthead of my magazine was insipired by the colour of the lips on my main image. To do this i used the eye dropper tool in photoshop to ensure that the colours were an exact match. When going through the styling process i did this delibratly so i was able to create continuity and a common theme throughout my cover. I have once again used this red on the main cover line which is informing my audience of the artist on the front of my magazine. To ensure that my main image was large enough and exactly how i wanted it to be i used the magnetic lasso tool to first of all cut the image out from the original background it was on. I then placed it onto the light grey shaded background which i also created using blending and shadowing tools in photoshop.
After fixing the main image and the masthead, the coverlines were the next stage i took. I have used two different fonts for the coverlines, as you can see a simple font for the two headings and a more ornamental font for the subheadings. For the coverline that states "2011 Festival Updates" i have once again used the eye dropper tool which meant i was able to use the denim blue colour found on the shirt for the colour of my font. After completing my coverlines and adjusting them to the appropriate sizes i made the decision to add a banner at the bottom of my magazines advertising more about what to expect inside. I have stuck to my colour scheme and decided to use black and white. I have used a black background with white writing which adds eye catching elements to the page.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Peer evaluation
After receiving comments and feedback throughout my blog from peers in my class and also my teachers, i feel that there is several things i now need to take into consideration when putting my final piece together. When creating the first two mock ups of my front cover i kept these very basic and did not use my time well and make use of the editing on photoshop itself. Looking at the these i have decided that the image on the front of my magazine will be cut out using the magnetic lasso tool, rather than using the background from the image itself. I will be doing this because i created a third mock up cover which i later posted and gained much more positive feedback than the previous two. This will also allow me to use lighting and correct colours to highlight and compliment the other features of my magazine front cover.
The definite colour scheme that i will be using will be similar if not identical to the one used in my last mock up. This is a use of black, grey, white and then red which i have been told is eye catching and adds an element of class to the magazine. One of the comments i actually received surrounding the colour scheme was that it keeps the page looking clean and also reflects the music and stays clear of being mistaken for something such as pop and r'n'b which i also think is a bonus considering i would like my magazine to portray the correct genre through the cover to my target audience.
When creating my contents page for my music magazine, after receiving feedback and also taking research and planning into consideration i now believe that i have a clear idea of what i am hoping to produce. Within the three mockups that i have created it has become clear to me that the actual information regarding the contents of the magazine itself needs to be located on the left hand side due to the audience's instinct the automatically cast their eyes upon the left of the page. One of the comments i received was about using the same or a very similar font to the one i am going to be using for my masthead my front cover to create a sense of continuity throughout the magazine. This is something that i will now be sure to do when choosing the fonts for my final piece. I receive several comments surrounding the banner which i would like to feature at the top of my page. This was to ensure it's not too top heavy and that it is preferred when it blends it and fits with the house style slightly more. One thing i must take into consideration is the number of images that will be found within the page. As one of the comments did state i must think about how many models i need to find. I need to use a minimum of three images to ensure that the content within the magazine does not look too minimalistic and lacking in entertainment. Something i think that would be good to use for my images is photo's i have previously taken of live performances as this is a common feature in magazines such as NME and Q.
After i had created my double page spreads my class mates advised me on how the page should be layed out to portray the correct image to my audience. When reviewing my feedback i took into consideration that if i was to use an image on the top third of the page it would need to be taken from an angle which i could stretch across the page without the pixels looking blurred. As this would lower the professional look of the image and the double page spread itself. Therefore due to this i believe that my double page spread will consist of a large image on the right or left hand side, which then the text is on the opposite spread over three neat sections. Within the text i am also going to add images of my artist just to ensure it does not look too challenging and far too bulky. Within my comments i was told that this would look professional as it is a common feature to find within magazines and i was also told that the large image which is separated from the text stops the page from looking cheesy and too busy.
The definite colour scheme that i will be using will be similar if not identical to the one used in my last mock up. This is a use of black, grey, white and then red which i have been told is eye catching and adds an element of class to the magazine. One of the comments i actually received surrounding the colour scheme was that it keeps the page looking clean and also reflects the music and stays clear of being mistaken for something such as pop and r'n'b which i also think is a bonus considering i would like my magazine to portray the correct genre through the cover to my target audience.
When creating my contents page for my music magazine, after receiving feedback and also taking research and planning into consideration i now believe that i have a clear idea of what i am hoping to produce. Within the three mockups that i have created it has become clear to me that the actual information regarding the contents of the magazine itself needs to be located on the left hand side due to the audience's instinct the automatically cast their eyes upon the left of the page. One of the comments i received was about using the same or a very similar font to the one i am going to be using for my masthead my front cover to create a sense of continuity throughout the magazine. This is something that i will now be sure to do when choosing the fonts for my final piece. I receive several comments surrounding the banner which i would like to feature at the top of my page. This was to ensure it's not too top heavy and that it is preferred when it blends it and fits with the house style slightly more. One thing i must take into consideration is the number of images that will be found within the page. As one of the comments did state i must think about how many models i need to find. I need to use a minimum of three images to ensure that the content within the magazine does not look too minimalistic and lacking in entertainment. Something i think that would be good to use for my images is photo's i have previously taken of live performances as this is a common feature in magazines such as NME and Q.
After i had created my double page spreads my class mates advised me on how the page should be layed out to portray the correct image to my audience. When reviewing my feedback i took into consideration that if i was to use an image on the top third of the page it would need to be taken from an angle which i could stretch across the page without the pixels looking blurred. As this would lower the professional look of the image and the double page spread itself. Therefore due to this i believe that my double page spread will consist of a large image on the right or left hand side, which then the text is on the opposite spread over three neat sections. Within the text i am also going to add images of my artist just to ensure it does not look too challenging and far too bulky. Within my comments i was told that this would look professional as it is a common feature to find within magazines and i was also told that the large image which is separated from the text stops the page from looking cheesy and too busy.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Representation of social group
Within my magazine I am going to be creating a look and image that is going to represent a particular social group within our society. The social group that i am going to be representing and aiming my magazine towards is a middle class group aged between 16-28 of a mixed gender. The social group i would expect to read a magazine such a my own would be a well presented group, which have a slightly smart/casual indie fashion sense. A group such as these would be living within a music and fashion concious city and attending college or university.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Mock Up Front Cover
After previously creating two rushed mock up pages i have decided to create a third to represent much clearer what i would like my final piece to look like. As you can see i have used an image off the Internet which makes clear eye contact but also has body language to immediately portray the personality of the character and this is what i am hoping to do also. As the artists clothing is included in the photo i believe this adds the slight element of aiming towards a slightly if not highly fashion conscious audience after the main element of music. I would also be keen to keep up this look rather than having a close up of just my artists face. On the mock up you can see above i have kept the cover lines fairly minimal but included enough to keep the page looking interesting. In my research and planning i came to the conclusion i would in fact like to keep my page minimalistic and the above shows the style i am attempting to present to my audience. The colours used within the page are also a glimpse of what i would like to appear on my final piece. I think the use of the vibrant red against the more monochrome, black white and grey works particularly well. Something i believe would need to be changed is the large cover line 'macy stone' due to the font. The font i use would need to be much more eye catching and bold to indicate what the main article inside is going to be about.
As you can see here i have taken an image from the Internet but manipulated it in the way that is suitable for the style of my magazine. Here i used photoshop to first of all cut out my main image so i was then able to place it onto the monochrome background which i have also edited. I have turned the saturation of the photo down slightly to reduce the bright colours within the photo. I have done this to give the magazine a more monochrome and classy look but ensured slight colour can still be seen within the cheeks of my photo to stop my artist looking malnourished and still potentially life like. I have created shadows around the image to enable the photo itself to look realistic and work well with the background i have added. When i placed the photo onto the background the originally size was much smaller than the one that you can now see. I stretched the photo upwards so i was then able to emphasise that it was the main element of the page and what i would want to be most eye catching. I also made it slightly bigger so then i was able to merge the masthead and the image together to ensure the magazine looks as if it has been put together skillfully and creatively.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Magazine Pitch Evaluation
Firstly i believe that my magazine pitch went fairly well although looking back i can see that i have used ridiculous amounts of hand movements. My watching my pitch back i feel that i explained many of the elements of my magazine clearly and into enough detail that my classmate were able to gain a sense of understanding i would like my final piece to look like.
Something that i feel worked well within my pitch was asking for suggestions on the names i had currently come up with. After getting positive feedback on the name Flux i have now decided to use this name for my final piece.
As i mentioned in my pitch i would like my contents page and double page spread to be minimalistic but still detailed enough to appeal to my target audience. I have stuck to this idea as i believe this will contribute towards the classy look i would also like my magazine to have. When being asked questions i came across realising that i had not actually decided the location for my magazine shoot. As i mentioned that i would like to keep it fairly basic so the artist is the main focus of the image, i have stuck to this and taken my photo shoot with a white studio effect. One more question that i came across when doing my pitch was how i would like my covering artist to be dressed. As i did mention they would need appropriate clothing to match the genre, i have followed up my decision to have them slightly smartly dressed rather than scruffy as have i previously mentioned i think it would add an element of class to the magazine and also keep it looking professional.
Over all the feedback that i gained from doing my pitch helped me to make final decisions on what image i am trying to portray through my final piece. Since my pitch i have changed small elements of what i would like to feature on my magazine due to several things working or not working. All these changes have been listed on my blog and i feel that my pitch helped me to finalize the ideas i originally had in mind.
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Friday, 21 January 2011
Mock Up Covers
As the two mock ups i have created for my magazine are very simplistic i feel that they would need many elements changing when creating my real piece. As you can see i have experimented with two different ideas i am considering for the masthead. After receiving a small amount of feedback i feel that the second masthead will work better with the magazine and the image i am attempting to portray to my audience. Although, i have realised that the image i will be using on the front on my magazine will be more along the lines of the first mock up you can see as i have decided that i would like slightly more clothing to feature. I will do this by using a shot that is positioned slightly further away rather than close up like you can see on mock up number 2. Taking the rule of three into consideration i feel that the coverlines will need to be based more in the centre of the page whilst my artist is making eye contact in the first section of the page. I have realised by doing my mock ups i do not want my page to look busy or over crowded with information but will be using 2 more coverlines as well as the one relating to my featuring artist.
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Double Page Spread Article
She is the chic, style conscious, indie-pop sensation who has burst onto our music scenes with nothing short of a smile. Not to mention coming in at 2nd place in Radio 1's 'Sound of 2011'. Merely wishing to make music at her own content, "I never yearned for the fame" are the delicate words of the future musician and this years breakthrough act, Macy Stone. Flux got the chance to speak to the burgeoning talent herself, Macy takes us from her favourite hobbies right through to her UK tour which began earlier this month.
So, being fairly new to the music industry, how does it feel to be recognised by so many people? To sum it up in one word would be 'crazy'. It's like, sometimes i forget about the place i've reached. I'm my own worst critic, so i never know if what i'm doing is any good. But then i am where i am, so i say "well someone must like my material".
You're not wrong there. You decided to stick with your biological name 'Macy Stone' what influenced you on that decision? Well, i simply thought, it flows well and it's not something incredibly dull. I did opt for my middle name for a while, which resulted in 'Ella Stone' but couldn't get the hang of people calling me 'Ella', so that was never going to work!That was probably for the best then, and we know that you didn't have the easiest of up-bringing's, does that make your success even more worthy? You're right I did lose my mother at a young age, and my father not long after, but did always have people around me who were supportive. Although i believe i'm worthy of success just as any other artist is. I didn't yearn for the fame, but 'it found me' as some would say, and i couldn't be happier. I'd like to hope that one day people would find my journey inspiring in some way.
That's right, and no doubt that they will. Going back to inspiration, you have finished the first album now so where has your inspiration come from? The majority of the songs on the album are very real. I think it's essential that people can relate to some of to the lyrics, but also have fun with them. Many things inspire me though, from other artists to some silly state of mind that i might find myself in one day [laughs].
How did this all come together for you then, i mean where were you first discovered?It began when i got myself a few gigs around my hometown of Islington, then i somehow blagged myself a gig at Koko in Camden Town. Just before i was going to perform i heard someone from Rough Trade Records was coming to check out my set. At this point, my stomach was turning. Afterwards that's when we got talking, and it wasn't the quickest process, but i was eventually signed by Rough Trade. I died inside a little, to say i was on the same record label as music legends The Strokes took a bit of getting used to.
So the first lbum is called 'The Limit' what's the reason behind choosing the name? Did you finish the final piece in time as expected? Basically, i believe that to some extent everything has to have a limit. Though, it's quite controversial as one thing that does not is music, so i suppose i love the contrast. Writing my album was a lengthy process, it took me around two years, but yes everything fell into place pretty much on time, which is unusual for me [laughs] and i've now gained a sense of pride.
That's great news for all us fans. Being named one of the 'Sounds of 2011' by BBC Radio 1, surely that was overwhelming for you? Yeah. When i found out i didn't really believe it, i was like "no way, have they got me confused with someone else?" But yes, that was really something quite special for me, and i could not be more appreciative. I'm still a growing artist and i'm glad that has been recognised.
I'm sure many are waiting to see what the future holds for you. Obviously music is your number one passion, but is there anything else you particularly enjoy? I've been described as a bit of tomboy in the past, as i suppose that's down to my affection for sports. I have to keep fit and go to the gym, otherwise i just feel discouraged. I used to go every morning before heading to the studio for recording. Fashion and having a sense of style is something that has become more important to me over the past few years also.
And so that has been noticed. Your fashion is now something that appears to be regularly cropping up in the media, how would you describe your style? Well i think that the way a person chooses to dress, very much reflects the person themselves. I tend to go for a look that's quite clean, not too scruffy, however somewhat quite boyish when i feel like it. Experimenting with different garments is always enjoyable! If i had to pick someone with an idolising fashion sense it would have to be Alice Dellal, she's wicked.
That's interesting. Speaking of idols, who is someone that you'd love to work with in the future? I could probably go on forever, but there are a couple that stand out to me. To work with Jack Steadman from Bombay Bicycle Club would be sublime, his voice fascinates me, and their music is just so soothing. Though, i did work with Laura- Mary Carter on one of the records which features on the album, and that was a bit of an honour for me. Blood Red Shoes have been one of my favourite bands over the past couple of years
You have a small UK Tour which began last week . Can you describe the reactions that you have received so far? The response that i have received is something that i could not be more blissful about. To have people singing my songs back to me whilst i'm on stage and hearing little screams of my name bounce off the walls is some what quite magical.
You have proved to be a success throughout the country it seems. This year looks set to be a busy one for you, are there any other goals you wish to achieve? My ultimate goal would to be asked to play at a festival. I'm not saying Glastonbury, but i imagine the atmosphere would just be unforgettable. Yeah, that would be super.
That's a reachable goal then. It's been great speaking to you, and thank you for your time. All of us here at Flux cannot wait to hear the album. I'd like to hope so. Thanks very much for having me into the studio! Expect to hear the album early next month with the release set for April 7th.
So, being fairly new to the music industry, how does it feel to be recognised by so many people? To sum it up in one word would be 'crazy'. It's like, sometimes i forget about the place i've reached. I'm my own worst critic, so i never know if what i'm doing is any good. But then i am where i am, so i say "well someone must like my material".
You're not wrong there. You decided to stick with your biological name 'Macy Stone' what influenced you on that decision? Well, i simply thought, it flows well and it's not something incredibly dull. I did opt for my middle name for a while, which resulted in 'Ella Stone' but couldn't get the hang of people calling me 'Ella', so that was never going to work!That was probably for the best then, and we know that you didn't have the easiest of up-bringing's, does that make your success even more worthy? You're right I did lose my mother at a young age, and my father not long after, but did always have people around me who were supportive. Although i believe i'm worthy of success just as any other artist is. I didn't yearn for the fame, but 'it found me' as some would say, and i couldn't be happier. I'd like to hope that one day people would find my journey inspiring in some way.
That's right, and no doubt that they will. Going back to inspiration, you have finished the first album now so where has your inspiration come from? The majority of the songs on the album are very real. I think it's essential that people can relate to some of to the lyrics, but also have fun with them. Many things inspire me though, from other artists to some silly state of mind that i might find myself in one day [laughs].
How did this all come together for you then, i mean where were you first discovered?It began when i got myself a few gigs around my hometown of Islington, then i somehow blagged myself a gig at Koko in Camden Town. Just before i was going to perform i heard someone from Rough Trade Records was coming to check out my set. At this point, my stomach was turning. Afterwards that's when we got talking, and it wasn't the quickest process, but i was eventually signed by Rough Trade. I died inside a little, to say i was on the same record label as music legends The Strokes took a bit of getting used to.
So the first lbum is called 'The Limit' what's the reason behind choosing the name? Did you finish the final piece in time as expected? Basically, i believe that to some extent everything has to have a limit. Though, it's quite controversial as one thing that does not is music, so i suppose i love the contrast. Writing my album was a lengthy process, it took me around two years, but yes everything fell into place pretty much on time, which is unusual for me [laughs] and i've now gained a sense of pride.
That's great news for all us fans. Being named one of the 'Sounds of 2011' by BBC Radio 1, surely that was overwhelming for you? Yeah. When i found out i didn't really believe it, i was like "no way, have they got me confused with someone else?" But yes, that was really something quite special for me, and i could not be more appreciative. I'm still a growing artist and i'm glad that has been recognised.
I'm sure many are waiting to see what the future holds for you. Obviously music is your number one passion, but is there anything else you particularly enjoy? I've been described as a bit of tomboy in the past, as i suppose that's down to my affection for sports. I have to keep fit and go to the gym, otherwise i just feel discouraged. I used to go every morning before heading to the studio for recording. Fashion and having a sense of style is something that has become more important to me over the past few years also.
And so that has been noticed. Your fashion is now something that appears to be regularly cropping up in the media, how would you describe your style? Well i think that the way a person chooses to dress, very much reflects the person themselves. I tend to go for a look that's quite clean, not too scruffy, however somewhat quite boyish when i feel like it. Experimenting with different garments is always enjoyable! If i had to pick someone with an idolising fashion sense it would have to be Alice Dellal, she's wicked.
That's interesting. Speaking of idols, who is someone that you'd love to work with in the future? I could probably go on forever, but there are a couple that stand out to me. To work with Jack Steadman from Bombay Bicycle Club would be sublime, his voice fascinates me, and their music is just so soothing. Though, i did work with Laura- Mary Carter on one of the records which features on the album, and that was a bit of an honour for me. Blood Red Shoes have been one of my favourite bands over the past couple of years
You have a small UK Tour which began last week . Can you describe the reactions that you have received so far? The response that i have received is something that i could not be more blissful about. To have people singing my songs back to me whilst i'm on stage and hearing little screams of my name bounce off the walls is some what quite magical.
You have proved to be a success throughout the country it seems. This year looks set to be a busy one for you, are there any other goals you wish to achieve? My ultimate goal would to be asked to play at a festival. I'm not saying Glastonbury, but i imagine the atmosphere would just be unforgettable. Yeah, that would be super.
That's a reachable goal then. It's been great speaking to you, and thank you for your time. All of us here at Flux cannot wait to hear the album. I'd like to hope so. Thanks very much for having me into the studio! Expect to hear the album early next month with the release set for April 7th.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Now that i have made the final decision on the name of my magazine i have decided to test out fonts that could potentially be the masthead on my front cover. I am still slightly unsure whether i would like my font to come from the left of the magazine and finish half way. Examples of this would be Spin and NME magazine. I think to this i would use a font which is less bold and something slightly more artistic, rather than just bold. Sticking to the colour scheme which i hope to present on my magazine, here are a few examples:
Next i have also looked at some fonts which i would use if they were to be spread across the whole of my magazine. I feel that this font would need to be something much clearer than the previous. Here are a few more examples of fonts i am going consider. As you will be able to see they are all very similar are carry the same common features.
Final Magazine Title
After doing some market research and narrowing down 7 different names for the title of my magazine i have finally come to a decision. I came up with the following names; INspire, Vinyl, Pulse, Twee, Chorus, Rogue and Flux. I quickly made my mind up and decided that my two favourite were Pulse and Flux. I feel that they both have a short snappy tendencies but also carry some good meanings in relation to music itself.
After receiving positive feedback when doing my pitch on the name 'Flux' as at this point i still had my options open. From this i think this has helped me to finalize the name of my magazine. The name 'Flux' has also grown on me greatly whilst taking the other names into consideration. I actually came across the word 'Flux' from the famous 2007 hit by Bloc Party. As Bloc Party do in fact fit into my music genre slightly this was another positive. The actual meaning of the word Flux that would be presented on the front of my magazine is the flow of something and the constant change of something. This links in particularly well with the subject of my magazine which is up and coming music. As music is always changing and constantly flowing i believe this hold a good hidden meaning. My only worry about the name Flux was whether all of my audience would understand the meaning. If this was the case that they were unsure, i think the word itself rolls off the tongue nicely and is something that is likely to stick in the back of your head.
After receiving positive feedback when doing my pitch on the name 'Flux' as at this point i still had my options open. From this i think this has helped me to finalize the name of my magazine. The name 'Flux' has also grown on me greatly whilst taking the other names into consideration. I actually came across the word 'Flux' from the famous 2007 hit by Bloc Party. As Bloc Party do in fact fit into my music genre slightly this was another positive. The actual meaning of the word Flux that would be presented on the front of my magazine is the flow of something and the constant change of something. This links in particularly well with the subject of my magazine which is up and coming music. As music is always changing and constantly flowing i believe this hold a good hidden meaning. My only worry about the name Flux was whether all of my audience would understand the meaning. If this was the case that they were unsure, i think the word itself rolls off the tongue nicely and is something that is likely to stick in the back of your head.
The Golden Spiral
The Golden Spiral was in fact something that was first discovered by Pythagoras. In geometry, the golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor b is related to φ- which is the golden spiral ratio. Originally the Golden Spiral was firstly derived from the 'golden rectangle'; a unique rectangle with a golden ratio. When you connect a curve through the corners of these rectangles, that is when the golden spiral is formed. To be specific the golden spiral gets wider by a factor of φ for every quarter turn that it is making.
Over all, this means that the spiral shows us where the eyes are drawn first and the place that we automatically find most pleasing. If the theory was to be put in relation to photography it would seem that the centre of the spiral is where the main focus of the image is. As the spiral moves away from the centre, this is moving away from the point of focus to smaller details that we do not notice as much. I will have to test this out on several of my tests shot to ensure that the golden spiral theory works with my photographs.
Over all, this means that the spiral shows us where the eyes are drawn first and the place that we automatically find most pleasing. If the theory was to be put in relation to photography it would seem that the centre of the spiral is where the main focus of the image is. As the spiral moves away from the centre, this is moving away from the point of focus to smaller details that we do not notice as much. I will have to test this out on several of my tests shot to ensure that the golden spiral theory works with my photographs.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Test Shots
Beneath you will be able too see test shots i have taken to get an idea of exactly what photos i would like to feature on the cover and within my music magazine. Whilst taking these photos it has revealed to me that a lot of experimenting with camera angles, facial expression and body language is going to be needed to create an effective photo which also ties in with the genre of music i have chosen. These are some of the test shots that i took and some explanations as to whether i think they would work for my final piece.
Using a higher angle rather for this photo i feel that it could make the artist look a little vulnerable rather than in power, which is the type of image i would like to create within my article. So i think i would use an image from below or on the same level rather than one like this. I think that the colour within this photo is effective due to the little amount of saturation being used for the skin tone and hair but then the item of clothing being particularly eye-catching. This is something i think i will consider for my final shot as i think the clothing as well as the artist is important. I like the distance the model is away from the camera in this shot, as it is not to in your face. And i believe that if Matt was making eye contact with the camera this photo would be likely to draw in potential buyers.
For this image i have come to the conclusion that it would be more suitable for a contents page or to feature on the double page spread. This is due to the fact of the lack of eye contact once again. Something that i think has worked well is the slightly lower camera angle which adds the slight element of power to Matt in this photo. Although, i think that for my front cover this is the maximum amount of my artists body i would like to feature. I have realised that if the shot is to distance it lacks in communication and contact with the target audience. I once again believe the colours work well within this shot. The clothing is something that stands out, and also the Matt's hair appears to be a main feature within the photo which is something i have realised i may consider.

I think that this photo is effective due to its worn background. For my double page spread shoot i think that i have realised that i am going to use a setting which has a range of scenery rather than using photos that appear to have been taken in a studio. For example Matt's character can be slightly reflected by the scenery which is around him in this shot. I enjoy that he is face on and slightly leaning towards the camera which once again creates the idea of power. The black and white i think is also effective as it gives the artist a chance to really stand out.

This photo has been taken from an extremely low angle. I think this makes the artist look powerful and also at a high status. This could tie in greatly in relation to how they are going up in the music industry. So i may decide to use a shot such as this in my double page spread. I think this has made clear to me that i am sure i want to use a scenery background rather than a studio. The colours in this photo have also been edited which once again draws attention to the face and the clothing of the artist which is something i wish to continue throughout my magazine.
Friday, 14 January 2011
Featuring Artist
The name of the artist that is going to be the main feature of my music magazine is called Macy Stone. She has just turned 20 years old and 2011 is going to be the year of her big break through. Macy has self taught herself to play acoustic guitar from the age of 13 years old, although did not begin writing her own music until the age of 18. She is a character which would not be described as cocky or over confident but will express her own opinion within conversation. Macy could be labelled shy at times as she likes to keep herself to herself most of the time, but is slowly coming out of her shell as her career takes off. Although, relating back to the above she does have a fierce side and edgy touch in relation to her music. She has been mistaken to come across dull and 'moody' when being photographed but this is not the case as she believes having fun but also being passionate about music is the key to success.
The look that Macy portrays through her appearance could be described as 'boyish' and she would not be found in anything pink or frilly. This is down to the fact that growing up as a child she used to be very much a tomboy. Now though that look consists of a casual/smart, fashionable attire. For example, a shirt teamed with boy fit denim shorts and her classic Dr Martens.
The look that Macy portrays through her appearance could be described as 'boyish' and she would not be found in anything pink or frilly. This is down to the fact that growing up as a child she used to be very much a tomboy. Now though that look consists of a casual/smart, fashionable attire. For example, a shirt teamed with boy fit denim shorts and her classic Dr Martens.
Thursday, 13 January 2011
For the publishing of my magazine i have chosen a company called International Publishing Corporation, or otherwise known as IPC Media. I think this would be an appropriate organisation to use for the publishing of my magazine as it states that it is "the UK's leading consumer magazine publisher". IPC Media produces over 60 iconic media brands. The company currently publish magazines such as InStyle, Marie Claire, Nuts, Look and NME. I think as NME use this organisation it is also a wise choice of publisher down to the fact that some of the inspirational pieces i have researched have in fact been the NME magazine.
As IPC appear to be a worldwide recognised company i think this is an extreme bonus for my magazine. This is down to the fact that it could fall into the same category as other best selling magazines such as NME. So therefore i should think that by using such a popular company my own work will be boosted from this and also gain much more popularity within it's own category.
As IPC appear to be a worldwide recognised company i think this is an extreme bonus for my magazine. This is down to the fact that it could fall into the same category as other best selling magazines such as NME. So therefore i should think that by using such a popular company my own work will be boosted from this and also gain much more popularity within it's own category.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Magazine Title Final Ideas
After doing my research i have discovered that the magazines i would usually tend to read follow a common pattern of using a short, monosyllabic, punchy name. For example, 'Q' 'Love' and 'Spin'. Making an exception for the highly popular NME magazine which has succeeded in using a short acronym with a basic, to the point meaning. I particularly like the the idea of a quick, but to the point name, as i think this is more likely to stick into a buyers mind, which then leads to consideration of the meaning behind the masthead itself. On the other hand i do believe that there are several polysyllabic names that can also have the same effect. For my magazine i have came up with 7 different names, each with a slightly different hidden meaning. So far, these are the potential names i have came up with for my music magazine; INspire, Vinyl, Pulse, Twee, Chorus, Rogue and Flux.
Currently i do not have a favourite from the above and intend to carry out some market research to help me make my final decision. I think that is something that will be extremely useful as meeting the needs of my audience is something that i must take highly into consideration.
Currently i do not have a favourite from the above and intend to carry out some market research to help me make my final decision. I think that is something that will be extremely useful as meeting the needs of my audience is something that i must take highly into consideration.
Friday, 7 January 2011
25 Word Pitch
To present my magazine pitch the the rest of my class i chose to use Microsoft Powerpoint.
The 25 words that i came up with to sum up the main elements of my magazine were the following;
The 25 words that i came up with to sum up the main elements of my magazine were the following;
Edgy, striking, mid-shot, up and coming, indie/ alternative-pop, minimalistic layout, formal text, contemporary photography, contrasted, minimal colour palette, mixed gender, 16-18, fashion interest.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Magazine Name Ideas/Thoughts
After having spending a lot of time thinking about the name of my magazine i have decided to stick to a name relating generally to music, rather than the genre i am following, which is indie. The reason for this being, is that i think it is to complicated to find a specific indie related name which will give out the correct vibes for my magazine. Another decision that i have thought about for a while is whether to stick to a full word or an acronym, and i came to conclusion that i think a word will be much more appropriate. I think this because an acronym can only be used when it is clear what is stands for. For example something like NME (New Music Express) has been around for a long time, so buyers already know what they are going to be getting inside. If i was to create an acronym for my own magazine, this could cause confusion as to what it actually represents and the audience may be unsure as to what they are going to find inside.
I also think that for my magazine i would like to stick to a monosyllabic word. This is because i believe that they are much more powerful and to the point. For example, in my own personal opinion i think 'Q' is much more effective than 'Kerrang'. When choosing the final name of my magazine i will be taking this into consideration but also doing market research to see how my audience feel about this matter and whether opinions differ.
I also think that for my magazine i would like to stick to a monosyllabic word. This is because i believe that they are much more powerful and to the point. For example, in my own personal opinion i think 'Q' is much more effective than 'Kerrang'. When choosing the final name of my magazine i will be taking this into consideration but also doing market research to see how my audience feel about this matter and whether opinions differ.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
Target Audience Profile
The target audience for my magazine itself consists of two different types of people. The reason being for this is the slightly different age gap but at the same time they both share a passion for a specific genre of music.
Firstly there is James. He is a 24 year old student who is currently based at Middlesex University. He is studying marketing within the media but has always made time for his deep interest in music. His favourite genre of music would usually be indie but he also enjoys listening to several rock and alternative artists. James became a passionate music fan whilst growing up under the influence of his father who was a rock music fan from the era of the 80's. His favourite band has grown to be Arcade Fire along with the 5 piece London based band, Foals. James tends to focus on digging deeper into the music he already listens to rather than spending time discovering up and new coming artists. He does not have a favourite shop, although living in such a fashion conscious city, means that he does take plenty of pride in his appearance. He is smartly dressed but with his own personal touch, some may say slightly chic. As well as studying and music, James is a football fanatic and uses technology such as Skype and Facebook to keep in touch with his closest friends. He has a strong dislike to rap music and also going abroad to new countries. James believes that he will do well in his studies but promises to maintain his interest in music, and to regularly attend gigs each month with the advice of his regularly purchased magazine; NME. Something that James is willing to do, it spend up to £5 on music magazines which catch his eye, he thinks it is important to follow the music news and information as well as the music itself.
Secondly, Kaya is a 16 year old girl studying her A levels in her hometown of Brighton. She is highly focused on her appearance, but fears looking polished and over done. This is based on the genre of music she likes. Indie is her number one music choice, but Kaya tends to discover the little less known bands rather than the mainstream usuals. If she was to pick a couple of her favourite artists they would be i Blame Coco, Yeasayer and Dutch Uncles. Although, she believes bands such as The Libertines should never be forgotten. She is currently studying Media, Music and Textiles. She has played the guitar since being a young girl and believes that one day she could follow in the footsteps of an idol such as Coco Sumner. Rather than visiting many gigs throughout the year, Kaya saves her money and visits festivals such as Reading, Glastonbury and Latitude. Her favourite shop is Beyond Retro in London town, due to this she often finds her self shopping online for similar boutiques. Unlike the smart, sleek look James tends to go for, she lives in Dr. Martens or a pair of run down Converse. Things that she does not appreciate is reality TV shows, overrated pop artists and extreme socialising as she believes there is plenty of time for that after her studies. Something Kaya and James have in common is the high review of their favourite music mag; NME. The ambition Kaya has is to continue into Further Education studying music and media related subjects.
Firstly there is James. He is a 24 year old student who is currently based at Middlesex University. He is studying marketing within the media but has always made time for his deep interest in music. His favourite genre of music would usually be indie but he also enjoys listening to several rock and alternative artists. James became a passionate music fan whilst growing up under the influence of his father who was a rock music fan from the era of the 80's. His favourite band has grown to be Arcade Fire along with the 5 piece London based band, Foals. James tends to focus on digging deeper into the music he already listens to rather than spending time discovering up and new coming artists. He does not have a favourite shop, although living in such a fashion conscious city, means that he does take plenty of pride in his appearance. He is smartly dressed but with his own personal touch, some may say slightly chic. As well as studying and music, James is a football fanatic and uses technology such as Skype and Facebook to keep in touch with his closest friends. He has a strong dislike to rap music and also going abroad to new countries. James believes that he will do well in his studies but promises to maintain his interest in music, and to regularly attend gigs each month with the advice of his regularly purchased magazine; NME. Something that James is willing to do, it spend up to £5 on music magazines which catch his eye, he thinks it is important to follow the music news and information as well as the music itself.
Secondly, Kaya is a 16 year old girl studying her A levels in her hometown of Brighton. She is highly focused on her appearance, but fears looking polished and over done. This is based on the genre of music she likes. Indie is her number one music choice, but Kaya tends to discover the little less known bands rather than the mainstream usuals. If she was to pick a couple of her favourite artists they would be i Blame Coco, Yeasayer and Dutch Uncles. Although, she believes bands such as The Libertines should never be forgotten. She is currently studying Media, Music and Textiles. She has played the guitar since being a young girl and believes that one day she could follow in the footsteps of an idol such as Coco Sumner. Rather than visiting many gigs throughout the year, Kaya saves her money and visits festivals such as Reading, Glastonbury and Latitude. Her favourite shop is Beyond Retro in London town, due to this she often finds her self shopping online for similar boutiques. Unlike the smart, sleek look James tends to go for, she lives in Dr. Martens or a pair of run down Converse. Things that she does not appreciate is reality TV shows, overrated pop artists and extreme socialising as she believes there is plenty of time for that after her studies. Something Kaya and James have in common is the high review of their favourite music mag; NME. The ambition Kaya has is to continue into Further Education studying music and media related subjects.
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