Wednesday 19 January 2011

The Golden Spiral

The Golden Spiral was in fact something that was first discovered by Pythagoras. In geometry, the golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor b is related to φ- which is the golden spiral ratio.  Originally the Golden Spiral was firstly derived from the 'golden rectangle'; a unique rectangle with a golden ratio. When you connect a curve through the corners of these rectangles, that is when the golden spiral is formed.  To be specific the golden spiral gets wider by a factor of φ for every quarter turn that it is making.

Over all, this means that the spiral shows us where the eyes are drawn first and the place that we automatically find most pleasing. If the theory was to be put in relation to photography it would seem that the centre of the spiral is where the main focus of the image is. As the spiral moves away from the centre, this is moving away from the point of focus to smaller details that we do not notice as much. I will have to test this out on several of my tests shot to ensure that the golden spiral theory works with my photographs.

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